Here’s a talent-sourcing secret for you. Your company culture is key to attracting and retaining A-list candidates.
By A-list candidates, we mean working and winning candidates. They’re thriving in their current role but are open to the right opportunity.
What does your company offer that their current employer doesn’t? How will working with you improve their life?
Stop before you say, “We pay more.”
A bigger paycheck is nice, but the daily environment and overall mood at your company are going to be more important in the long run.
You Think Your Workers are Happy But …
Evidence suggests many of today’s workers aren’t thrilled to be at their jobs.
Chances are you have disengaged, stressed and even angry employees
According to the Gallup State of the Global Workplace: 2022 Report, in today’s workforce only:
- 21% are engaged during the workday
- 33% describe their overall well-being as “thriving”
Every day at work people report feeling:
- 59% stressed
- 56% worried
- 31% angry
Their negativity infects everyone else
All emotions are contagious, but negativity spreads faster than positivity. Harvard Professor, David Rand, found sadness spreads 2 times faster than happiness.
Even just a few negative employees can spoil the overall environment at your company, leading to higher turnover rates.
No wonder 81% of workplace leaders are worried about talent retention (Bamboo HR).
Don’t write mindset off as something you “can’t change”
Just like specialized training gives employees skills that enhance their career and improve their performance, you can train a person’s mindset and achieve similar personal and professional results.
All while becoming a highly desirable workplace for top talent.
Hear Why Mindset Matters More Than Skillset
Get Company Culture Right Before Launching New Hiring Strategies
You can’t control what other employers pay – and someone will always be able to offer a higher salary.
What you have total control over is your workplace culture and environment.
Break the Negativity Cycle with Mindset Currency Training
Since negativity spreads faster, you have to actively seek out ways to foster more positivity, like mindset currency training.
What is Mindset Currency Training?
Watch this video and hear ProActivate’s CEO and Founder, Jamie Crosbie, explain the crucial way mindset currency training differentiates your business and helps you attract and retain talent.
4 Ways Improving Culture Through Mindset Training Generates Business Benefits
During mindset currency training you:
- Identify employees’ limiting beliefs
- Minimize or remove barriers to success in an employee’s current role
- Connect your company culture and values to your people
- Build a highly supportive leadership team
- Become a company that employees don’t want to leave
As a result, workplace positivity increases, which has 4 major knock-on effects.
1. Companies with happy workers have higher profits
Businesses in Gallup’s study with engaged workers had profits 23% higher than their disengaged peers.
2. Turnover decreases
Those same companies with higher profits also had lower rates of turnover and absenteeism.
3. Productivity soars
The Harvard Business Review revealed that while people experience negativity at work, 80% dwell on it. Instead of focusing on their job, they’re thinking about the incident.
But it’s not just that people have more time to focus when you strip away negativity. The American Psychological Association (APA) reports that 93% of employees who feel valued give their best effort.
(Oh, and when people do not feel valued, 50% say they’ll start looking for a new job.)
4. A-list talent wants to work for you
Data from TeamStage shows that today’s candidates factor your culture into their decision-making process.
- 86% of respondents said they avoid employers with poor reputations
- 46% said culture was a deciding factor in their job search
Simplify Talent Sourcing and Strengthen Company Culture with ProActivate
Working and winning candidates are only open to the right opportunity – and it’s incredibly hard to attract them with traditional hiring strategies.
Over 90% of employers can’t find qualified candidates (Monster)
Partnering with a talent acquisition company like ProActivate is one of the easiest ways to find and retain qualified candidates.
On your behalf, your talent manager will source and evaluate working and winning candidates for your position.
Through Mindset Currency training, we can help you build an environment that attracts and retains top talent.
Don’t rely on outdated hiring strategies
Contact us directly to hear how our approach will help you build a stronger team.
I want to attract and retain A-List talent.
Email: [email protected]